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Bangs is tagged as: riot grrrl, female vocalists, punk, punk rock, rock

There are three artists with this name|1. a rap artist from Melbourne, Australia|2. a punk rock band from Olympia, Washington|3. an 80s garage rock band from LA, California
1) Bangs is a 19 year old rap artist born in North Khartoum, Sudan. At the age of 11, he moved to Egypt with his family after his Father married another wife. He spent two years there before coming to Australia in 2003. He has been writing rap, hip hop and pop since settling in Melbourne in 2004.
“Music is my wife”, Bangs sang in a live jam recently. He writes about life, love and hope and his music grows with him till the end of life. He recorded his first demo “Girlfriend” in 2005 with DJ Wasabi in Collingwood, then started to lay down tracks in his home studio.
In July 2008, he recorded his first professional album at Gateway Living Music Studios, titled “Hard to be Up”. Produced by John Favaro and Paul Last name, it features the new hit single “Take U to Da Movies”. The name “Hard To Be Up” means that he worked so hard to put the songs together to make the album.
He is constantly stretching his creative abilities, and is already working on his next album, with the working title “Am Still Moving On”.
2) Bangs was a punk rock band from Olympia, Washington, formed in 1...
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Top 10 Bangs Songs
Take U To Da Movies
Into You
Getting Out of Hand
Southern Girls
I Want More
Take U Right Thurr
Sweet Revenge
Shake Dat
I'm Goin' 2 Da Ghetto (Snippet)
More Bangs Songs
Top 10 Bangs Albums
Sweet Revenge
Tiger Beat
Call and Response
Take U To Da Movies
Wild Life
Weet RevengeBonus
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