Channel East is tagged as: synthpop, electronic, germany, energetic, catchy
Channel-east was founded by Toni Tzschoppe and David Herzig in 2005. The time before they were on separated ways of music until they decided to go together and take common pleasure in electronic music. This music is characterized by harmonious Pad-Sounds and catchy melodies combined with lyrics principal about relationships between human beings. In 2008 channel-east released their first single at CODELINE RECORDS wich sold well at certain internet mail orders for example POPONAUT and reserved TOP 1 about many weeks. By now the CDS “who you are” is sold out. Since January 2009 the debut album “between humans” is obtainable, also at A DIFFERENT DRUM in the USA. In their live shows the guys from channel-east show their pleasure to make music and promise good temper, which fascinate all the visitors. Of course they use a guitar among their keyboards so there is also good live music. Please visit for more information.... Read More About Channel East Biography...
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