НеГрузовики is tagged as: experimental, indie, ukrainian, alternative, trip-hop
НеГрузовики (NotTrucks) is the side-project of the Ukrainian indie/experimental trio …И Друг Мой Грузовик. The project started about 2 years ago as an abstract idea to made “something different” due to appeared plenty of the material, which could not be used in usual …И Друг Мой Грузовик’s shape. Rostislav Chaban payed more attention to the digital sounds than his bass guitar, while Anton Slepakov wrote certain quantity of lyrics directly for НеГрузовики.|In May 2008 trio finished studio work and faced a question: how the new album should be released? Ukrainian and even Russian show-biz scarcely would put it inprint - the stuff band made appeared to be even more unusual and unexpected songs of trio. In September, while waiting for the master disc, НеГрузовики decided to run project up-to-date and to release album through internet free for download via their info page http://negruzoviki.wordpress.com. The physical CDs will be available in strictly limited quantity - the band will be selling it on gigs.... Read More About НеГрузовики Biography...
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