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Dying Fetus
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Dying Fetus albums

Dying Fetus is tagged as: death metal, brutal death metal, technical death metal, grindcore, metal

Dying Fetus is a brutal death metal band formed in 1991 in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States. The line-up consists of John Gallagher (guitar, vocals), Sean Beasley (bass, vocals) and Trey Williams (drums).
Dying Fetus’ music is a hybrid of death metal and grindcore, characterized by extremely fast blast beats, complex riffing and slow breakdowns. Lyrically-wise, the band dabbled in the usual gory death metal subject matter on their early albums, and respectfully covered “Born In A Casket,” a song originally written by famous death metal band Cannibal Corpse. By 2000’s Destroy the Opposition, however, they shifted towards politically driven lyrics. Their lyrics are often left-wing, mostly consisting of aggressive critique addressed towards things such as religion, corporations, consumerism and war. Their fusion of death and grind is called Slam.
Complete Discography :
Bathe in EntrailsDemo1993 |Infatuation with MalevolenceDemo1994 |Infatuation with MalevolenceCompilation1995|Purification Through ViolenceFull-length1996|Killing on AdrenalineFull-length19988 (87%)|Grotesque ImpalementEP20005 (70%)|Destroy the OppositionFull-length20007 (91%)|Killing on LiveDVD2002 |Deep Red / Dying FetusSplit2002 |Stop at NothingFull-length20033 (81%)|War of At...
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Top 10 Dying Fetus Songs
Shepherd's Commandment
Your Treachery Will Die WIth You
Descend Into Depravity
Conceived Into Enslavement
Homicidal Retribution
Hopeless Insurrection
Atrocious By Nature
Ethos of Coercion
Destroy the Opposition
Pissing In the Mainstream
More Dying Fetus Songs
Top 10 Dying Fetus Albums
Descend Into Depravity
Destroy the Opposition
War of Attrition
Killing on Adrenaline
Stop At Nothing
Purification Through Violence
Grotesque Impalement
Infatuation With Malevolence
History Repeats
Infatuation With Malevolence (Reissue)
More Dying Fetus Albums
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