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Howard Tonkin
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Howard Tonkin biography
Howard Tonkin songs
Howard Tonkin albums

Howard Tonkin is tagged as: pop, electronic, sexy, male vocalist, dance

Tonkin has created a unique sound, blending catchy pop hooks with futuristic loop based electronic music, that defies categorization. Tonkin’s powerful male vocals are reminiscent of the new wave/new romantic British invasion of the 1980’s. Tonkin’s song writing is refreshing departure from the typical themes of love and loss, exploring themes of social expectation and self realization. The listener is taken on a musical journey of self exploration, both introspectively and externally. The songs are sophisticated and smooth, though simultaneously raw and honest. The material is deeply personal, but is written in a way that everyone can relate to. The lyrics are rich with metaphor and can be applied personally, socially and politically. Tonkin manages to tell a cautionary story through music, that is not at all preachy, but an honest reflection of his rich life experience.|...
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Top 10 Howard Tonkin Songs
Crazy Boy
Good Time
Serial Monogamist
Crazy Boy (Sandro Remix)
Personal Apocalypse (Obra's Remix)
Chasing the Dragon
Good Time (Orly Disco Mix)
Serial Monogamist (Orly Remix)
Personal Apocalypse
Pathetic Creature
More Howard Tonkin Songs
Top 10 Howard Tonkin Albums
Personal Apocalypse
More Howard Tonkin Albums
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