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Jay Electronica
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Jay Electronica biography
Jay Electronica songs
Jay Electronica albums

Jay Electronica is tagged as: hip-hop, hip hop, underground hip-hop, rap, new orleans

Jay Electronica is not your average emcee. His methods are different and with the sounds of Madlib, the late J Dilla and Mr. Porter, the New Orleans nomadic wordsmith who tends to move whichever way the wind moves him, has arrived. With ancestral lyricism that is hypnotic, simple and complex simultaneously, the immediate acceptance from the people is a testament that good music is still sought after by the true hip-hop heads and fans of good music alike.
During the recording of Nas’ Untitled Electronica met Nas through Erykah Badu’s friendship with Nas’ now ex-wife, Kelis. He gave Nas a CD of his recordings, causing Nas to invite him to produce for the album. Jay Electronica provides the music for the album’s opening track, “Queens Get The Money”. Nas describes him as having provided “the Jay Electronica sound”. He toured North America with Nas, and was part of the Rock The Bells International Festival Series in 2008.
So far, Jay Electronica has been putting out his music on the internet, free to download for the people who look hard enough to find it. This includes a compiled sampler, a mixtape called “Style Wars EP”, and some various other tracks.
One of these tracks exceptionally stands out, as it’s an...
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Top 10 Jay Electronica Songs
My World
Renassaince Man
Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge)
Exhibit A (Transformations)
Exhibit C
My World (Nas Salute)
Victory Is In My Clutches
I Feel Good
Be Easy
More Jay Electronica Songs
Top 10 Jay Electronica Albums
the pledge
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