Jets Under Fire is tagged as: rock, indie rock, indie, brit rock, singer-songwriter
LINKS: ||| Ranging from tender to anthemic, Jets Under Fire’s sensibility and melodic, piano-driven style will definitely garner them comparisons to brit sensations like Keane, Travis, and the Verve. However, the band’s music is also shaped by Smashing Pumpkins, The Beatles, and the Beach Boys.|That being said, just one listen to their third release, Kingdoms, makes it obvious the band is informed by their influences, not confined. Built around Jason Poe’s emotive vocals, Jets Under Fire’s songs are unflinchingly introspective and penetratingly beautiful. What’s more is that Poe has that rare ability to suck the audience into his world, making it all but impossible not to hang silently on every note at one of their dramatic live performances. Poe’s delivery of lyrics like “Baby, I feel just like a fool,” and “All I need is a piece of solid ground,” is so honest and devoid of posturing that before you know it you’ve dug up these feelings and you’re experiencing them as you listen. This phenomenon is obvious to anybody who has ever seen the band live. It’s not uncommon to hear total silence when the band drops away during a bridge leaving only Poe’s words sung... Read More About Jets Under Fire Biography...
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