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John Robinson
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John Robinson is tagged as: hip-hop, hip hop, underground hip hop, hyper techno, rap

One John Robinson is an American Hiphop artist, and another is a British techno rave D.J. who became famous in Tokyo for songs such as “Tokyo, Go” and “Jealousy.”
The fundamentals of foundational Hip-Hop pulsate vibrantly through the veins of the multi-dimensional artist, John Robinson. Born in the South Bronx and raised in Far Rockaway, Queens, this native New Yorker has sojourned through the underground scenes of New Jersey, Atlanta and Los Angeles with the result of creating a sound that is universally magnetic to hip-hop audiences of various backgrounds. With his Nas-like vocal tone and calm demeanor akin to C.L Smooth, Robinson AKA Lil Sci of the legendary east coast group ScienZ of Life, rekindles his alter-ego to autobiographically introduce to his new chiseled personality that spits nothing less than lyrical perfection. Inspired by Hip-Hop legends such as KRS-1, Slick Rick, Brand Nubian and KMD to name a few, JR has been rocking mics since before his first chin hair. These same legends helped Robinson to mold himself to a scientific sort of political advisor that enjoys speaking to audiences both en masse and one person at a time. And having performed with the likes of The Roots, Common, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Dead Prez, Run DMC, MF DOOM and many...
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Top 10 John Robinson Songs
Black Gold
Indy 102
Outta Control
Invisible Man
The Replenish
Shrink Rap
Why'd You Lie
There She Goes
Mascot (Feat. Peter Hadar)
Makings of U
More John Robinson Songs
Top 10 John Robinson Albums
The Leak Edition Volume 2
I Am Not For Sale
Who Is This Man?
A Place Called Home
MJ Tribute
The Best of John Robinson
Pity for the Victim
More John Robinson Albums
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