Khazakstan Super Star is tagged as: SuperStar KZ was a reality television show which aired from 2003 to 2007 on the Kazhak television station Perviy Kanal Evrasia.|A young Kazakh man, presumably from a rural village, auditioned for the singing contest Superstar KZ. Armed with a dombro (a two-stringed lute), he began singing an original song only known as “Freestailo”. The word “freestyler” in Russian refers to a DJ or a freestyle rapper. When translated to Kazakh, however, the word “freestailo” is born.|Eventually, Kazakh band R.Lizer created a full song based on the lyrics of Freestailo. The music video was passed around via mobile phone. Eventually, the video found itself a spot on the official TV channel of the administration of the President, Khabar TV.... Read More About Khazakstan Super Star Biography... Send Khazakstan Super Star ringtones to your cell |