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Kingmaker is tagged as: indie, alternative, rock, british, hull

Kingmaker was a British indie rock group, founded in Kingston upon Hull in 1990.
Teenage schoolmates Loz Hardy and Myles Howell formed the group during their year off after school. They placed an advertisement for a drummer, and eventually recruited the significantly older John Andrew. Andrew was an ex-travelling puppeteer. The band began playing and touring, before making their recording debut with The Celebrated Working Man EP. After this they signed up to Chrysalis Records and released a second EP, entitled Idiots at the Wheel in January 1992. They were also immediately courted by the music press, and they invented a niche category for the band, which they dubbed “New Cool Rock”.
With a fan following building up, and lyrical austerity in their melodic music, they were tipped by some as the “next big thing”. Their debut album, Eat Yourself Whole was well received, and spent three weeks in the UK Album Chart, reaching a high of number twenty-nine in October 1991. In addition, the single release of the album’s title track, “Eat Yourself Whole”, reached the U.K. Top Twenty.
They then landed an American record deal with Chrysalis. Kingmaker’s second album, Sleepwalking was released in 1993, to general acclaim. Hardy’s s...
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Top 10 Kingmaker Songs
Ten Years Asleep
Really Scrape The Sky
Queen Jane
Armchair Anarchist
Lady Madonna
When Lucy's Down
Playground Brutality
Sad To See You Go
You And I Will Never See Things Eye To Eye
More Kingmaker Songs
Top 10 Kingmaker Albums
Eat Yourself Whole
In The Best Possible Taste
Bloodshot And Fancy Free - The Best Of Kingmaker
To Hell With Humdrum
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