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Kispál és a Borz
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Founded in 1987, in the town of Pécs, Hungary, Kispál és a Borz was probably the most successful Hungarian alternative rock group to date.
Pécs is where all founding members come from (family name, surname): Bräutigam Gábor (drums), Kispál András (guitars), Lovasi András (vocal, guitars), Ózdi Rezső (bass).|The last three studied in the same high school, then showed up at the same workplace: the state gas provider company where some of the city’s musicians wound up, as there it was feasable to rehearse during work time.|Kispál wrote some guitar themes used in the first songs during his military service (which was compulsory at the time). Lovasi also played together with Bräutigam at first during his, in a club for officers.| |The band’s name is the combination of Borz (‘Badger’) - which was Ózdi’s idea - and Kispál (btw litterally ‘Littlepaul’), as the most fitting of the members’ names, because Kispál didn’t want an animal name - such as his previuos bands had had - again.
Words in the beginning were written by Lovasi and Ózdi, but Ózdi stepped down in 1988 and the group opted for staying a trio, so Lovasi shifted to bass and remained the only lyricist. 1988’s 4-track demo was follow...
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Top 10 Kispál és a Borz Songs
Csillag vagy fecske
De szeretnék
Ha az életben
Autók a tenger felé
Tiszai pu.
Levesek porból
More Kispál és a Borz Songs
Top 10 Kispál és a Borz Albums
20 év
Naphoz holddal
Turisták bárhol
Happy Borzday
Én, Szeretlek, Téged
Sika, kasza, léc
Bálnák, ki a partra
More Kispál és a Borz Albums
soul seven;kim wilson / jeffrey wright;bill sims, jr. / g-funk / master.p / aicelle santos / gretchen barreto / soldiers of fortune / spectrals / grupo salvaje / congotronics vs rockers
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