Liz Torres is tagged as: house, dance, chicago, chicago house, acid
LIZ TORRES|The fierce Liz Torres has fascinated the club music underground ever since 1986 when her first|12” single, the darkly defiant and wildly percussive “Mind Games” thundered through quaking|sound systems the world over.|Born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Liz was three when she, her father (a preacher), mother, and five|brothers and one sister moved to Chicago. Raised in a strictly religious home, allowed no radio|or television, she grew up listening to “Spanish church records” and singing every chance she|got—for her church (“I was so nervous I sang with my eyes closed”) as well as for her family. In|high school she hung out at Gramophone Records absorbing “everything” from Barbara|Streisand, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and Luther Vandross to Grace Jones and Loleatta|Holloway. But it was her discovery of house music on a Chicago beach as it rocked from the|boom-box of then soon-to-be boyfriend and producer, Jesse Jones, which set her on fire.|She explains, “I began hanging out at Jesse’s house, because that’s where the music was. One|day one of his friend [Carl Bias] came over with this really hot track and I told Jesse I could sing|to it. Jesse said, ‘Yeah, right.’ So I asked if he had words to it. He sai... Read More About Liz Torres Biography...
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