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Locomotiv GT
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Locomotiv GT is tagged as: hungarian, classic rock, rock, 70s, ostrock

Locomotiv GT (often abbreviated LGT) is a Hungarian rock band formed in 1971. It is one of the most influential bands in the history of Hungarian rock music.
The band was formed in Budapest on April 6, 1971. The founders were already well-known musicians – Gábor Presser (songwriter, keyboardist, singer) had been member of the famous band Omega, just like the drummer József Laux. Károly Frenreisz bass guitarist was formerly a member of the band Metro, while the solo guitarist Tamás Bartha came from the band Hungária. Laux’s wife, lyrics writer Anna Adamis was the “unofficial fifth member” of the band, often collaborating with Presser when writing the songs.
Their first concert was held on the Park Stage in Buda in July. It was followed by the first single, with the songs Boldog vagyok (“I’m Happy”) and Ha volna szíved (“If You Had A Heart”) in August. In October they opened a club together with the Tolcsvay Trió. In November they were invited to the World Popular Song Festival in Tokyo because of their success with Ezüst nyár (also recorded in English with the title “Silver Summer”). At the festival they performed an English version of their song Érints meg (“Touch Me”) unde...
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Top 10 Locomotiv GT Songs
Ringasd el magad
Royal Blues (Gipszeld be a kezed)
Álomarcú lány
Egy Elfelejtett Szó
Kérgeskezü Favágók
embertelen dal
Ezüst nyár
Nem nekem való
Neked írom a dalt
More Locomotiv GT Songs
Top 10 Locomotiv GT Albums
Ringasd El Magad
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