Numbers is tagged as: electronic, post-punk, experimental, indie, dance punk
There are at least six groups called (The) Numbers: an American (kraut)rock group from San Francisco, a broken beat producer, and 3 power pop bands from Australia, Canada and Bristol, UK. 1st group:|Where once, Numbers were the premier party-rock dance outfit with whom we found our salvation from the curse that was the coming of a new century, now comes Numbers of a new dawning era of self realization and societal enlightenment. Previously three individuals taking turns of yelping, buzzerk-ing, pushing and shoving coming together occasionally to make fight music for pajama parties, now has become a singular sound; an epic, mind-driving sound.|You see, to paraphrase OzzY, we’ve all been going through changes. Growing up a little with each band break-up, dying a little with each Tecate downed at 4:00 AM. Numbers were once the twice a week show in a living room kind of band. Songs were nuts. Short, accident prone, fall over and start again…yes, even Eric Landmark, on occasion, had a fake mustache and the word “beer” scrawled across his knuckles. Then Numbers went and toured the “f” out of the country, many, many times. And Europe and Japan too. Touring is hard work, especially when you’re Numbers and you have so much responsibility towar... Read More About Numbers Biography...
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