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Pale Saints
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Pale Saints is tagged as: shoegaze, dream pop, 4ad, indie, alternative

Pale Saints began their existence as a three-piece ethereal pop band based in Leeds, England. Forming in 1987, the band was signed to 4AD records after their first London show by 4AD chief Ivo.
Early band interviews showed them to be a fun-loving bunch in contrast to their dark, lyrically pessimistic pop music. Guitarist Graeme Naysmith and drummer Chris Cooper described themselves as enthusiastic football fans and were perpetually excited about touring. Lead vocalist Ian Masters was often known to gratuitously lie in interviews, helping the group to successfully build up a certain party reputation.
In late 1990, the band added Meriel Barham, the original vocalist from Lush, as second guitarist and vocalist.
Ian Masters departed the band in 1993. By most accounts, he became more and more disenchanted with pop music and wanted to go in a more experimental direction with minimal drums and ambient sounds. He also seemed to have lost all joy for touring and live performance.
Pale Saints added former Heart Throbs bassist Colleen Browne in 1993. Meriel Barham departed in September of 1995 and the band eventually came to an end in early 1996, partly as a result of weak label support and relative lack of interest.
Ian Masters formed Spoonfed Hybrid, a duo who released a s...
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Top 10 Pale Saints Songs
Sight of You
You Tear the World in Two
Way The World Is
Sea of Sound
Throwing Back the Apple
True Coming Dream
Language of Flowers
Little Hammer
A Deep Sleep for Steven
More Pale Saints Songs
Top 10 Pale Saints Albums
The Comforts Of Madness
In Ribbons
Slow buildings
Mrs. Dolphin
Flesh Balloon
Barging Into the Presence of God
Throwing Back the Apple
Fine Friend
Comforts of Madness
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