Sel is tagged as: SEL is a lithuanian band, formed in 1992. The founder of the band is Egidijus Dragūnas.|The history of the band started on the 10th of November in 1992, when E. Dragūnas resolved to call Andrius Mamontovas (who back then was hosting a popular radio show on the M-1 radio station) and ask for help to found a rap group. His idea did not go unnoticed and A. Mamontovas’ brother Justas Mamontovas (who was a producer of the popular lithuanian Hip-Hop group Pompa) started to work with Egidijus.|A permanent member in SEL is only E. Dragūnas, often called simply “SELas” (which would translate into english as “the SEL”), starting from album “Kontrolinis šūvis” (telltale shot), he is always working with new people, whom one way or another influence SEL’s music. Besides, the foundation of SEL, Egidijus, is also a DJ and owns a recording studio.|During the existence of SEL, it left a big trace in the air of Lithuanian music. The band has released 9 albums, 5 singles, 2 best songs collections and 1 documentary DVD movie. Grupės istorija prasidėjo 1992 m. lapkričio 10 d., kai jos įkūrėjas ir lyderis Egidijus Dragūnas pasiryžo paskambinti Andriui Mamontovui, tuo metu vedusiam laidą radijo stoties M-1 eteryje, ir paprašė padėti sukurti repo grupę. E. Dragūnas ... Read More About Sel Biography... ![]() ![]() |