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The Buskers (LINK) were born in 2002 in Lecce (South Italy) from the mix of different music experiences which had in common a strong love to traditional irish music. The bands mirrors the music style and the numbers of musicians of the typical Ceíli band of Ireland. Besides all the songs come from popular treasure in irish and english. The band has been working on this music since many years and studies also the Irish music histories from the Bards’ through the Middle Age to nowdays. It takes part to projects like “Attraversarte” in collaboration with the City of Cremona and has worked with the University of Perugia and Lecce. It has played for “Genova04” and for several national and international festivals. The show and the experience always have guaranted positive comments from the audience and critics. The band numbers articles on italian newspapers: Corriere della Sera, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Repubblica, Il Quotidiano di Lecce and a video on the national TV: Rai 3, Radio 1 Rai.... Read More About The Buskers Biography...
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