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Armen Hambar
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Armen Hambar biography
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|Future World Music is a custom boutique music library that provides high impact cinematic music exclusively for motion picture advertising. Their tracks are carefully composed and produced to evoke the deepest of human emotions. Their compositions have traditional orchestral elements mixed with modern cutting edge style and production.
A key factor that separates Future World Music from most trailer music libraries is that the music is as memorable and timeless as possible while maintaining a distinct style and originality without “knocking off” or “approximating” a popular motion picture composition or any other music composition. Staying respectful to their fellow composers in the motion picture industry, they refuse to intentionally copy anyone’s work.
Future World’s clients include New Line Cinema, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, MGM, Columbia TriStar, Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox, The Weinstein Company, Lions Gate Films, and the Sci Fi Channel.
|Future World Music is in the same category as Immediate, X-Ray dog and Hanz Zimmer.|For more information visit their main page at:|
or visit their MYSPACE page at
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