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Burning Yesterday
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Burning Yesterday biography
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Burning Yesterday albums
|Burning Yesterday is an ambitious five piece rock band from Nashville , TN with a diverse sound that delivers a message of hope through Jesus Christ to a multitude of listeners, and wins over crowds with each energetic live show they play.
Having been friends since grade school, Jimmy, Steven and Shane came together to create music that would intrigue and mesmerize. From Jimmy leading worship in his church, Steven playing drums in a family gospel group to Shane playing percussion in his high school marching band, the guys were looking for new ways to express themselves. After years of developing their music the puzzle was completed with the addition of Dathon and Roy.
Things changed for the band in the fall of 2007 when they entered the studio with producer Travis Wyrick (P.O.D., 10 years, Pillar, Disciple, Spoken )Jimmy states, “Travis helped to shape our sound and changed the way we look at writing” After the first week of recording the band had come away with “I’m Alright” and “Taken Away”. With captivating vocal melodies and toppling distortion, each song offers emotion, intensity and captivates the listener from the first note. Since the release of the two tracks, there has been thousands of visits on their website to listen to the music of Burning Yesterday.
The band has had extensive touring experience playing in numerous small and large venues including festivals, bars, youth gatherings and arenas. They have shared the stage with some of the biggest artist in Christian and Mainstream music such as Flyleaf, Since October, Spoken, Red, Children 18:3, Seventh Day Slumber, Framing Hanley, Wavorly, The Wedding, This Beautiful Republic, and many more. Along with touring, the band wants to bring its music to the rest of the world and is currently looking for label support.
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