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Chad Vicious
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Chad Vicious has been playing music since long before he took his first spin on the turntables. It all started in elementary school, where Chad’s classmates would ask him to play the music for class parties or field trips. The budding DJ would spend all week cueing up cassettes to impress his peers. However, it was years later when Chad was working lights and sound at a big live music venue in Alaska that the young man finally got his break. In between the bands’ sets, Chad would step in and play for the crowd. His talents were noticed quickly, and soon he was DJing in the club’s main room.
Since moving to Las Vegas, from his hometown of Anchorage, Alaska, Chad continues to fuel the crowd with slickly flowing sets that combine unusual beats and his original tracks with recognizable cuts for an experience that is both familiar and exciting.
“Right now I love being able to produce a track and play it out as soon as it’s finished and get the crowd’s reaction. As long as the crowd’s feeling it, so am I.” -Las Vegas Weekly
more: CHAD VICIOUS - The DJ List | TDJL|
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