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Зимовье Зверей
Зимовье Зверей pictures
Зимовье Зверей biography
Зимовье Зверей songs
Зимовье Зверей albums
Зимовье Зверей (“Zimovye Zverey”, English: “Animals’ Winter Quarters”) is a band from Saint Petersburg, Russia. It was founded in 1994 by Константин Арбенин (Konstantin Arbenin) and Александр Петерсон (Alexander Peterson).
Their music can be roughly defined as russian rock or bard music. Their songs have emphasis on Arbenin’s lyrics as the actual poetry.
They split up in 2009, when Arbenin decided to found a new project where lyrics and music can be equal. Сердолик (“Serdolik”, English: “Sard”) was created, and Arbenin plays with the band some of the old Зимовье Зверей songs.
Their official site is|
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