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Neanderthal pictures
Neanderthal biography
Neanderthal songs
Neanderthal albums
Neanderthal is the name for at least a couple of bands.
1) One was the seminal and short lived 90’s powerviolence/hardcore band that in a later incarnation would be known as Man Is the Bastard. Check their OFFICIAL Myspace page: for more info and music!!!!
|2) Another Neanderthal happens to be My Ruin guitarist Mick Murphy’s instrumental-metal side-project. Neanderthal’s debut ‘Start A Fire With Rock’ was released on Undergroove in September ‘06. The second album ‘Take The Ride’ is awaiting a proper release, but was available on USB wristband on My Ruin’s January ‘08 UK tour. See for current info.
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