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O Teatro Mágico
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O Teatro Mágico biography
O Teatro Mágico songs
O Teatro Mágico albums
Official site:
O Teatro Mágico (“The Magic Theater”) is a project headed by Fernando Anitelli and it started in 2003, in Osasco, SP, Brazil.
Prior to that, he had another band, Madalena 19, and, intending to gather money to record an album, Fernando went to USA to work as waiter. There, he came to know Hermann Hesse’s novel book called “Der Steppenwolf” (simply “Steppenwolf” in English or “O Lobo da Estepe” in Portuguese). On the book, the protagonist runs into a man who is advertising the “Magic Theater”, and that’s where Fernando got the name of the album he was working on from.
Back to Brazil, he structured the 12 (twelve) people project as a mix of music, circus, poetry and theater. The group is, actually, composed by:
Fernando Anitelli (acoustic guitar, vocal)|Willians Marques (percussion)|Emerson Marciano (bass)|Nenê Santos (drums)|Luis Galdino (violin)|DJ HP (sample, effect and bases)|Rober Tosta (theater, trapeze, stilts)|Daniela Homsi (flute, dance, juggling, fire performances)|Gabi Veiga (fabrics, ground acrobatic, doll) |Ligia Moreno (fabrics, acrobatic, doll) |Toicinho (clown, juggling)
|With the project ready, the twelve of them, dressed as clowns, began to tour and the word-of-mouth generated positive reviews and response, thus, their concerts started growing bigger and bigger even with no label or midia support. The growth and recognition is due their had work since they are responsible for everything about the project - from the make-up and models, to promotion, webdesign and even scheduling their own presentations. With no help at all, excepting from their fans, the independent project had sold about 80.000 units of its first CD “Entrada Para Raros”.
One of the biggest reason for the success is their show, where is everything like a circus, literally. While the band plays, a series of events occours in parallel, leaving the spectators without knowing where to look at in several moments: whether they look to theatrical scene installed in the back of the stage, or to the trapeze, or even to the audience, which helps the ludic scenario, blowing soap bubbles or singing along. Or both of them.
The result is a strong and faithfull fan basis that helps to spread the music of “O Teatro Mágico” by independent CDs and DVD’s which are sold on their concerts. |
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