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Out of Sight
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Out of Sight biography
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Out of Sight albums
Back in 2001, Out of Sight’s founding members Nikolai Husted and Sean Mahoney had no idea that a small guitar and drum based band would turn into a 4 piece with long time friend Jake Robbins, and Ben Husted, brother to Nikolai. With the band only being 12-13 years old nothing much was really going to spark except a brotherhood, which would become inseparable.
The band had turned to new instruments away from the parent-injected instruments. The trumpet, saxophone and piano were important as it created their musical understanding. From the newfound love of live music, not much time was spent on covering bands but directed towards song writing. The first 4 years were spent playing for fun, and experimenting finding their own and the bands understanding of what music they wanted to play but also discovering their influences. Demos were recorded and gigs were played.
The band is now made up of lead singer and guitarist Jake Robbins, guitarist Ben Husted, bassist Sean Mahoney and drummer Ted Wakefield. They released the EP ‘Something Created By Belief’ in 2006 with John Naclerio (Brand New, My Chemical Romance, The Audition, Just Surrender). The band have recently signed to Slam Dunk Records and their debut album ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ will be released in physical on July 5th 2010, having been released on iTunes on the 31st May 2010 after major delays.
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