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Shekinah Glory Ministry
Shekinah Glory Ministry pictures
Shekinah Glory Ministry biography
Shekinah Glory Ministry songs
Shekinah Glory Ministry albums
Simply one of the best Praise and Worship Celebrations ever…
|The Shekinah Glory Ministry is a praise and worship aggregation of Valley Kingdom Ministries International (, a non-denominational church in the suburbs of Chicago, IL, where Apostle H. Daniel Wilson serves as Senior Pastor. Shekinah Glory’s ultimate purpose is to usher the Body of Christ into the very manifest presence of God via the unified ministry of all five of it’s entities - exalters (singers), minstrels (musicians), karar (dancers), standard bearers (banners, streamers & flags), and encouragers.
This group of 21st Century Psalmists and Minstrels operate under the anointing of Holy Spirit and has ministered with such renowned artists as Bishop T.D. Jakes, Donnie McClulrkin, Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ, Marvin Sapp, Beverly Crawford, Albertina Walker and Vickie Winans . . . to name a few.
Shekinah Glory’s worship style incorporates a unique variety of ballads, contemporary, and prophetic selections. The ministry has traveled nationally and internationally, where local praise teams ultimately are being taught and are singing the songs of Shekinah Glory.
Shekinah Glory came together to do another praise and worship CD. God’s presence was there in ALL His Power and Glory. With this CD, Shekinah Glory reminds us that we must lift Him Higher as an Unquenchable Worshipper and say Yes to the Lord Like Never Before.
It’s premiere recording, “Praise Is What I Do” was recorded live and released “in total” as a double CD in 2001. The CD received local, national and internationally success and has ultimately lead several commercial awards, including a “Gold Record,” and inclusion on the WOW Gospel 2003 CD and DVD.
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