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Starz pictures
Starz biography
Starz songs
Starz albums
There are two groups named Starz: This is the rock band from the late 70’s early 80’s
Starz are a hard rock/ pop metal band who were popular in the late 70s. Fronted by handsome and sleazy crooner Michael Lee Smith, they had several minor radio hits.
They had a big influence on many of the 1980’s hair/ rock bands. Motley Crue and Poison were just two that site Starz as an early influence on their sound, song writing and musical passions.
Starz released 4 albums on Capitol. Starz, Violation, Attention Shoppers and Coliseum Rock. Their first two LP’s were produced by Jack Douglas, who had just had amazing success with Aerosmith. |By their third album, Attention Shoppers, their sound had shifted from heavy metal to pop tunes, with a few exceptions, one being the epic “Johnny All Alone.” By the time of Coliseum Rock, it seemed their earlier departure from heavy rock to pop had cost them the majority of their audience.
There is a Dutch pop band called Starz. They have another station.
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