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Subkulture biography
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A solo project that was formed by Kemikal, the former bass player of Celldweller.
Subkulture - the alias of Kem Secksdiin, is a genesis of years of musical experimentation. Kem formed Subkulture in hopes to consummate his years of experience as an artist and performer with the art of production. Kem utilizes an insightful interpretation of underground club music with his metal upbringing to showcase the raw essence and power that is Subkulture.
Subkulture’s distinct sound can be credited to Kem’s diverse musical circumstances. Kem dropped out of high school at the age of 15 to canvas the hardcore metal scene…signing to Dez Dickerson’s (Prince and the revolution) Absolute records, releasing 2 full length studio albums, touring with P.O.D. Zao, Project 86 in the band These5Down… After years of experience as a metal performer Kem went in an unforeseen direction. In 2004, Kem met Electronic-Rock artist Klayton of Celldweller and quickly became an integral part of the Celldweller live show. Kem toured with Celldweller through 2005, sharing the stage with numerous artists including Crossbreed, Deadstar Assembly, Mindless Self Indulgence, Three Days Grace, Godhead, Acumen Nation and dozens more. As Celldweller left the stage and returned to the studio Kem followed suit, beginning the writing process for what would become the debut Subkulture album “Emerge n’ Evolve…while also joining longtime friends in CrossBreed to write and Co produce 2009 release KE 101.”
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