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Tom Milsom
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Tom Milsom biography
Tom Milsom songs
Tom Milsom albums
Tom Milsom grew up in Surrey, and now lives in a London flat with his lovely housemates. His album, ‘Sine Language’ EP, was released in 2007. He plays many instruments; among them: drums, piano, ukulele, trumpet, melodica and glockenspiel.|He released a special-edition run of 50 copies of “Awkward Ballads For The Easily-Pleased” in the run-up to Christmas 2007, and re-released it in January 2008, as well as gigging at small venues in the South-East of England.|‘Awkward Ballads For The Easily-Pleased’ can be bought from his website also the home of some free mp3s and drawings and things.|His second album ’ Painfully Mainstream’ was released December 2009 by DFTBA records. He has also co-released the album ‘Taking Leave’ with Alan Lastufka on DFTBA Records, and has contributed songs to two compilation efforts on the same label, ‘Trock On!’ and| ‘Dftba Records, Volume One’.|
‘Painfully Mainstream’ can also be purchased digitally on his site or as a hard copy from As well as some oher compilations his music appears on.
Milsom’s newest project is the release of his second solo album, “Painfully Mainstream” through DFTBA Records with production support from 19 Entertainment. In the new album, Milsom explores a broader palette of music styles and textures ranging from post-rock to anti-folk, from gypsy-punk to all-out thrash metal. Four of the eleven songs of the album are named for the seasons and serve as an emotional roadmap guiding listeners through the journey
While he is adept at the core instruments of rock—guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, and synthesizer—Milsom frequently lightens his sound with the unexpected use of ukulele, accordion, kazoo, 8-bit GameBoy, and a Casiotone MT-100 that’s older than he is. In addition to these, “Painfully Mainstream” features Milsom on banjo, mandolin, melodica, omnichord, organ, theremin, glockenspiel, slide whistle, and vocals.
His music site:|His website:|The DFTBA website:|Listen to Taking Leave in full before you buy:|He also has a MySpace|And his YouTube is full of lovely videos|Or you can follow him on Twitter at|While Tom is listed as a member of Fortunes Fall, nothing has been released by both of them yet.|Other releases Include: |Five Songs for James Cleveland|:smashes lamp: :instantly regrets:|Emley Moor Mast|Shallow Ocean|Geometry|Trockstuff EP|Explorers 1|Explorers 2|Explorers 3|Explorers 4|Explorers 5|Ephemera: Demos and Unreleased Stuff 2007-10|
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