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Wander Prata
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Wander Prata biography
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Wander Prata was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and began his musical career at the age of 15 —- his first musical instrument was a set of drums. In his early years he was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to study with some very famous Brazilian musicians including the likes of; NenĂª and Lilian Carmona as well as with such artists as; Oswaldinho do Acordeon, Dominguinhos and Luiz Caldas. Always striving to improve his musical expression skills, Wander started to play guitar as well as compose and sing his own material. Based on his skill and talent, many of those famous people (mentioned above) encouraged him to pursue a solo career. Wander has done a great deal of very interesting work with no specific genres or standards but he tends to base much of his works on Brazilian rhythms and to incorporate other influences from around the world. As a result of this his new arrangements are original, free expression melodies. Listeners have described these as having great emotional effects — filling them with a range of thoughts, desires and experiences. His current effort is a wonderful, expressive example of his music and Wander wishes to share some of this with you. Enjoy it !
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