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Wilbert Longmire
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Wilbert Longmire biography
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Wilbert Longmire albums
Wilbert Longmire, one of the finer gems mined from Cincinnati’s rich vein of great jazz guitarists, began his musical life in the west end of Cincinnati in what he calls a “street corner symphony” - a group of young people who gathered together to sing. His first foray into the world of instrumental music was as a violinist in his school’s orchestra.
After several years of studying and performing classical music, Wilbert turned his attention to the guitar. His mother bought his first guitar, a Harmony, for $86.50 (including amplifier) from Ben’s Department Store. He learned to play a couple of songs, figured he had accomplished his goal and then set the guitar down for a while. When a musical group called The Students invited him to play with them, he began to play the guitar again seriously. After doing shows with them at the Motown Revue, he got a taste for the music business and began working with other local players.
Wilbert has released several recordings as a leader and has performed with a wide variety of the great jazz artists of our day, such as Jack McDuff, Billy Eckstine, Lou Rawls, Jimmy Smith, Art Farmer, Herbie Hancock, and Larry Corryell. Wilbert’s most recent recording is with organist Hank Marr.|
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