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Windsor Drive
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While named after a street in the band’s hometown of Weston, Wisconsin, Windsor Drive are resonating with music fans far beyond their home state. Formed only three years ago, the alternative quartet shows no signs of slowing down. With an average age of 23, the band has completed an astonishing 13 national tours, in which they headlined as well as provided support for various major label & indie acts. Their loyal following stretches well past the band’s enthusiastic fan base, with Windsor Drive recently being profiled on the nationally syndicated E! News with Ryan Seacrest. The band was also featured by Clear Channel as an “Artist To Watch” in the CHR/Pop format, and WGN America Midday News invited Windsor Drive to perform live on air for its national audience. Not bad for four lads from the Midwest who also call Houston, Texas their adopted second home.
The son of a pastor, Windsor Drive singer Kipp Wilde was raised in a musical family. Performing in churches throughout his youth, Kipp was deeply inspired by the sounds and message of southern gospel songs and hymns. Then at age 14, Kipp purchased his first Ben Folds Five album. Soon after he discovered the music of U2, and both artists would serve as strong, early influences on Kipp’s desire to compose and perform music. Through a mutual friend at school, Kipp was introduced to drummer Owen Jones and the two began playing church shows together. Around this time, bassist Jon Wasleske was invited to drop by a rehearsal at the band’s tiny practice space on Windsor Drive. The chemistry with Jon was so strong that he quickly became a full time member of the burgeoning group. Multi-instrumentalist Dan Sukow rounded out the four piece when he joined as the sole guitar player in the band.
Windsor Drive’s foundation lies in the strength of its songs. Memorable melodies will transport you to that “other” place, where everyone longs for that connection to something or someone. Kipp Wilde’s distinctive vocals are delivered with a melodic sincerity, and his thoughtful lyrics emanate themes of hope, love, and longing. Fortified by a landscape of driving guitars, delicately intense keyboards, and a rhythm section that steadily steers the entire sonic ship, the band’s songs will do more than just not disappoint. They will inspire. “Growing up in a small Midwest town where everyone pretty much knows everyone, we were able to stay true to our roots and musical influences and shield ourselves from short trends in the industry that exist in major metropolitan areas. This has helped us create timeless music,” says singer Kipp Wilde.
Windsor Drive’s music is anthemic without pretense. Their songs have a broad appeal, and yet somehow resonate in an uniquely personal way with the listener. “Do what you do best” is the recurring lyric in the song “Fall” from the 2009 Bridges EP. With a new album’s worth of material and a solid touring schedule booked, Windsor drive continue to do what they do best, which is writing some of the strongest songs around and performing them live with their very own unique mix of fiery passion and spirited grace.
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