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1773 biography
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1773 albums
1773 is a collective of 2 emcees from Chicago, IL. The group name comes from the areacode of Chicago, 1-773. These 2 cats came together in 2004 to put together a nice side project. 11 solid feel good hip hop songs with substance and matter in their concepts, something that is rarely found in music these days. With only 2 features on the album from Praverb and vocalist, Eileen Torres suppling her lovely voice on one of the songs Wisdm O.N.E. & Just J really wanted to showcase what they can bring to the table. Cuts are provided throughout the album by DJ Bombay and DJ Moral One. This album also features production from some very talented producers. On the production team we have none other than Tony Stone who heads up the majority of the beats on the album. Also the Lightheaded gang, thats right people! Ohmega Watts, Othello and Braille all supplied some lovely tracks to make this thing come to life. Ill Quality, an up and coming producer on the scene also lays his talent down on the beat tip.
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