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5150 pictures
5150 biography
5150 songs
5150 albums
There are multiple bands called 5150:
1. Doujin Cirle known for arrangements in the power metal and symphonic death metal genres under specifically the シンフォニック東方 (Symphonic Touhou) series. |Their songs are composed generally by ryu-5150 (龍5150) who is a Japanese composer, musician, male vocalist and lyricist. He’s best known for making Touhou arrangements in the power metal and symphonic death metal genres.
2. A punk band from Nevada that released an EP called “Forever Night” and possibly more material. They were around some time in the 80s.
3. A Van Halen cover band.
4. A rap group from Detroit, Michigan.
5150 was A Hardcore Band from Las Vegas . 5150 Released two 45s|Lil Miss and Forever Night . Band Members |Gene Bagley ( V ) James Bagley (G ) Tony Trent (B ) Rob Bonanno (D )|Phil Mauro (D )
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