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アリス九號. pictures
アリス九號. biography
アリス九號. songs
アリス九號. albums
アリス九號. (or alice nine.) is a rockband from Tokyo, Japan. アリス九號. has five members, Shou on vocals, Hiroto and Tora on guitar, Saga on bass, and Nao on drums.
Drummer Nao formed the band in 2004 and they were signed to the PS Company indies label. Their first single 「名前は、未だ無ひ。」 was released the same year. During their first year, they did small tours with other japanese bands. Their first oneman tour was held in August 2005 in Japan. After a sold out gig in Tokyo the same year, アリス九號. became more popular in Japan, and went major under their current record label PS Company. In 2007 they were signed in Europe by CLJ Records.
アリス九號. have released two full albums, 絶景色 (2005) and Alpha (2007). Alpha was also released in Europe.
In December 2007 アリス九號. preformed for the first time ever in Europe. They were one of the five bands at J-ROCK INVASION EPISODE 1 festival in Cologne, Germany.
Official site: They also have a MySpace site.
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