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Alenka Gotar
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Alenka Gotar biography
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Alenka Gotar is a well known concert solo singer and performed with various orchestras and chamber music orchestras in Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia and Scandinavia. Her repertory consists of works from earlier baroque to the most recent musical works (in 2000 she was working with one of the most distinguished composers of our time, Gyorgy Kurtag, for the Swiss Radio DRS 3). She was engaged as a member of the Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana in the season 2004/2005. Now she is working on a free-lance basis as a guest in the SNG Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana and as a teacher of singing.
On February 3rd 2007 Alenka Gotar with the song Cvet z juga (The Flower of the South) won the EMA 2007 song festival, the Slovenian pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki. Achieving 7th place in the semi final, she became the first Slovene to qualify to the grand final, where she ended 15th with 66 points.
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