In March 2007, Kikuchi left the band for a period due to serious back problems.|The group is now recognized as one of the best kind of melodic punk club.|In March 2008 the group has five members again, newcomers are Takaki Daisuke on bass and sound. The two new members magnet Punk, New Wave Motown, they were quickly integrated. Discography: 「Niw ! Collection」 2008. 05. 23|「UNDO, PRAY」 2007. 5. 16|「2」 2006. 06. 14|「1」 2005. 8. 17|「 (V. A. ) “PUNK ROCK CAMP !! EX2”」 2006. 2. 15|「 (V. A. ) “Rockers Galore”」 2005. 4. 20 Myspace:|OHP: |