Blue Audio is John Wu, an Asian American singer, songwriter and producer with 2 released albums and half a dozen compilation appearances, doing everything from club remixes to acoustic guitar.|The story has been building since the first demo release in 1993 and it’s led to a flood of reviews across the US and Europe, and live performances with artists like Kai, Jocelyn, Enriquez, Mesh and Anything Box.|While many artists today merely want to entertain us, John reminds us of the power of music to focus ourselves on what is really important to us and the others we share our lives with. His new album tells a story, so much so that it inspired John to write a fictional novel about four young characters and their experiences in the city of Chicago. From the dance club to the open road and back again, the story parallels the album and brings another level of insight into love, life, and the music of Blue Audio.| |