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Cady Groves
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Cady Groves Bio:
I remember when I realized what I wanted to do in life. I was helping my mom clean out our swimming pool when an old Frank Sinatra song came on the radio. I remember saying, “Mom, I want to write things down that I have to say, and I want to sing them real loud so everyone can hear me.” I was seven at the time. Ever since that moment, making music has continued to be my goal.
Writing has always been a constant escape for me. A lot of horrible things have happened in my life, and without the ability to write my feelings down and communicate them with a melody; they essentially would have blown up inside of me, for all I know.
I graduated high school super early, and then went to culinary school when I was just 16. I was in a few casual music projects here and there, but I had a problem finding other people who wanted to make music their life, and not just a hobby. I kind of became unhinged and just started moving anywhere and everywhere I felt like—mostly in the middle of the night.
One of my random 24-hour drives to “somewhere” led me from outside Vegas all the way to deep southwestern Oklahoma. The day after arriving, I signed up for college at SWOSU. There I met Evan, my best friend and guitarist. As soon as we met, we spent hours making up a ton of songs, just for fun. We just seemed to click. Evan is ridiculously talented, and has been playing music most of his life. He is truly amazing at what he does.
Sometimes an entire song and melody will pop into my head at a gas station, or some place unexpected. I’ll press the record button on my phone and sing the whole thing right there so I won’t forget it. It’s such a privilege and much fun for me to write songs, and then have them actually be accepted by people. If I have one thing to say—I just want people to know they are not alone.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and have experienced a lot of hurt. But the one thing I feel like you can do with pain, is make it your art. If you can turn it into something you can sing along to, the healing will come through that. To imagine one of my songs could change or help someone, or make them feel like someone understands them, makes this all just that much more amazing. It’s not about me being a role model, and never will be. I’m part of the crowd. I just want to speak for the whole. We’re in this together.
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