Joanna’s views on her debut album tend to be rather negative, as she has stated often in public interviews that she greatly dislikes its corporate nature, its blatant commercialism, and its misclassification as jazz. Her second album, 2009’s Joanna and 王若琳 contained more of her own writing, including an entire disk (titled The Adult Storybook and credited to New Tokyo Terror) of original material. The personnel of her new album includes Roger Joseph Manning Jr., Freddy Koella, Paul Bushnell, and Brian MaCleod. As she was partially raised in the United States, she was exposed to many classic pop music acts, among them The Beatles, Queen, and Oingo Boingo. Among her major influences are Danny Elfman, Yoeko Kurahashi (倉橋ヨエコ), Paul McCartney, and video game soundtracks, most notably those from the Castlevania, Zelda, and Mario series. She is also a left-handed guitarist. She has also covered various popular songs in English and in Chinese on Taiwanese television programs, and has released an EP including songs by Paul Simon and The Carpenters, among others. |