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Chuckie Akenz
Chuckie Akenz pictures
Chuckie Akenz biography
Chuckie Akenz songs
Chuckie Akenz albums
Chuckie Akenz (aka Chuckie Ay Nguyen) is a Vietnamese-Canadian rapper. He was born on January 21, 1986 and grew up in Jane and Finch neighbourhood of Toronto, Canada.
He rose to mainstream notoriety for film director Paul Nguyen filming of his rap video “You Want Beef.”
In October of 2006, Chuckie was featured in an episode of the Fifth Estate named “Lost in the Struggle.” [1]
He was on an episode of Muchmusic’s Music Is My Life, talking about his personal life.
Chuckie, now going by the name of C.A, recently released From the Beginning(Digital Album) in 08. C.A has released 6 new songs, 1 of them is a cover and the rest are originals (Reality,Runaway Love,Everywhere You Go, When It Rains and Never Stop). All these songs prove that chuckie is trying to change for the better, trying to get away from the personality of You want Beef.
|This Bio has been written by Insaneme3.
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