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Чиж is tagged as: russian rock, rock, russian, blues, blues rock

Also commonly (and incorrectly) tagged as “Чиж & Co”.
Sergey ‘Chizh’ Chigrakov (band front-man and also an author of almost every song) was born on 2nd February, 1961 in Dzerzhinsk. Started to play in local bands with his elder brother at the age of 14, substituting some of their members. Then he graduates from music school and college. His work in group named “GPD” (“Gruppa Prodlennogo Dnya” - “Afterschool Group”) became a real “amateur” experience. Musicians played hard-rock that was very popular at that time. Chigrakov moves from Dzerzhinsk to Harkov is summer, 1989 - he was invited to work as guest guitarist in the same-name band (“GPD”). Soon “GPD” of Harkov falls in two parts, and Chizh joins party named “Raznie Lyudi” (“Different People”). They record some albums with that label, among them there was “Bugi-Harkov” (“Boogie-Harkov”), completely consisted of Chizh’s songs. Album became wide-spread only some years later, but future hits were already created by the time of its publication: “Hochu Chayu” (“Want some tea”), “Dorogusha” (“Deary”), “Assol”. Because...
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