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Маша и Медведи
Маша и Медведи pictures
Маша и Медведи biography
Маша и Медведи songs
Маша и Медведи albums
«Маша и медведи» (Masha and the Bears) is a russian rock group formed in 1997.
In 1996, Маша Макарова gave demo versions of her songs to Олег Нестеров, who then became her producer. In 1997, she found like-minded musicians to work with and they released two music videos: «Любочка» and, «Без Тебя». In 1998, they released their first album «Солнеклёш» on Extraphone Records.
Discography:|1998 — Солнцеклёш|2000 — Куда?|2006 — Без языка
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