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Drunken Tiger
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Drunken Tiger biography
Drunken Tiger songs
Drunken Tiger albums
Driven by Tiger JK and DJ Shine, Drunken Tiger is often given credit as being one of South Korea’s greatest hip-hop pioneers. In 1999, when packaged pop and redundant ballads dominated Korea’s music industry, Drunken Tiger debuted and challenged the system with their unique hip hop sound and realistic lyrics. Drunken Tiger’s straightforward approach made them one of the most controversial figures in Korea’s conservative media. However, without their willingness to challenge music and societal conventions, Korean hip-hop would not be where it is today. To date, Drunken Tiger has released eight albums and remain as Korea’s most respected hip-hop figures.
DJ Shine left Drunken Tiger, after the release of their 2005 album “One is not a Lonely Word”, for personal reasons, and Tiger JK has gone on as a solo act, successfully releasing a sixth album and seventh album, as well as several singles.
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