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Ferris MC
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Ferris MC biography
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Ferris MC is a German Hip hop artist from Hamburg. He is somewhat controversial due to his offensive language and antisocial attitude. His DJ, Stylewarz is one of Germany’s most famous scratch artists.
Born as Sascha Reimann (* 2. Oktober 1973 in Neuwied / Germany)
Known as german raps Enfant Terrible because of his unique way to express himself in very clever lyrics wrapped up in aggressive, crude, even (for some) offensive language. He also often refers to his youth / childhood in the poorest parts of Kiel and Bremen, where he grew up with an alcoholic father, who left when he was six years old, and an overworked mother. These people and locations often appear in his lyrics, which often deal with cruel and extensive use of drugs, alcohol, violence and women.
His fans love him because of his aggressive style and his hate of popculture, politics, religion, the selfgenerated myth of rich supremesse, and the human tendency to give up dreams in order to conform with the standards of society.
What differentiates Ferris MC from many other rappers who deal with these things, Ferris MC usualy builds in a silver line of hope in most of his songs.
With the release of “Duestere Legende” in 2006 Ferris announced the official death of Ferris MC.
A.K.A’s: Das Reimemonster, der Freak
|Aditonal aka’s: “der fertigste der Mongos” (Such A Surge), “der lebende Elvis des Raps” (Ferris), “das Reimemonster” (Afrob), “Satans geclonter Roboter am Microphon” (Yo Mama), “der Ozzy des Rap” (Ferris), “XXL-Junkie”
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