Degree’s impressive parade of number one hits continued|both at home and abroad, and lends great credence to the|fact that he certainly does know what he’s talking about.|Tunes such as ‘Granny, Brinks, Mr Dweet Nice, Bodyguard,|Papa Lover, Hold Yuh Tonight, Spark plug and countless|others have had fans skanking . General Degree is also renowned for his provocative lyrics|that always leave just enough up to the imagination. The|little they do leave, is also plenty for them not to be certified|XXX-rated. Girls crying for his ‘Pianist’ is the perfect example|of a Degree double-entendre, that gets his earthy message|across whilst leaving the censors with nothing to do. The|reason why Degree’s suggestiveness works so well is because|of the pure invention in his work. It’s a trademark that|ensures no two Degree tunes sound similar, even if the|subject matter might be. Always vocally ambidextrous on a|rhythm, his spoken voice lingers at double bass. Reflecting|this, the 1998 smash “Bag a Tings” has become the blueprint|for an almost monotone flow that has been utilized by many|deejays since. ‘Cartoon Character’, ‘Traffic Blocking’, ‘Boom Boom’ among|others, kept the artiste on the charts and satisfied his fans|appetite for more of the ‘Bush Baby’- which happened to|be the title track of the album for which he copped a Reggae Soca Award for|best|dancehall album. Being often described as a “consistent” DJ, Degree has entered the 21st|century with new ideas and a slew of new hits. Tracks like ‘My Girls’|‘Inna’, ‘Man Shortage’, ‘Bounce Somebody’ and most recently ‘The Specialist’|have proven|his consistency, and are doing well both locally and on the international|market. A new album is in the works for the entertainer in 2003. So once again the|wheels are turning for yet another lyrically creative production from Degree|and will be an addition to his growing catalogue. Not to be outdone by the young bloods in the business, Degree has and will|continue to rank among the best, and has pledged to maintain and continue|contributing to the development and success of dancehall music. |