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Ghost Mice
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Ghost Mice biography
Ghost Mice songs
Ghost Mice albums
Ghost Mice is a two-piece folk-punk band that hails from Bloomington, IN. Ghost Mice was created from the ashes of former pop-punk bands The Devil Is Electric and Operation: Cliff Clavin. Chris Johnston (aka Chris Clavin) and Hannah who played guitar and bass respectively for OP:CC and TDIE, decided to make their act acoustic so they could tour more easily and play almost anywhere. In their own words: “We play 100% acoustic. We never use amps or mics (except once at Plan-It-X Fest). We have been playing in bands together for about 7 years. We started Ghost Mice in 2002 because we tired of being restricted. We were tired of having to travel in big vans and depend on amps, PA systems and electricity. With Ghost Mice we can travel very light and we need nothing to play. We often play in back yards or on the street corner in front of the venue. We have toured the USA many times and we toured Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, France, Spain, Belgium, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland) by foot. We hitch-hiked and took trains to all of our shows. It was fun and very liberating. We sing a mix of personal and political lyrics, we are anarchist, we are dedicated to the DIY ethic and the struggle to make the world a better place. We play music and travel for fun and to meet new people. Music is our lives. We love travel. We are nice and a little shy.” The previous quote can be found here. Hannah dropped her bass in favor of a violin. Ghost Mice’s lyrics mostly involve having a positive outlook on life; riding bikes, eating healthy food, being in love, and being punk. Ghost Mice’s slogan, “Punk as Folk”, is a fantastic way to describe their music, lyrics, and just about everything that is Ghost Mice.
A split album with Andrew Jackson Jihad is set to be released by Plan-it-X and No Idea records on May fifth.
Ghost Mice’s records are available through Chris Johnston’s record label Plan-It-X Records or the respective labels that released them.
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