Glamour to Kill are:|Antonio Glamour to kill-vocals-|Luis to kill -guitars & logic/audio-|Juan Tormento -keyboards & computer- They have a night-clubbing relationship since ten years. They always wanted to make music together and finally they did it.|They started in Berlin (capital of the universe) in 2002…composing and playing in all kind of places, clubs and parties. Some of them: |“JUNCTION-BAR”, “HOUSE OF SHAME”,”BLACK GIRLS COALITION”, “Teddy Gala -LIQUIDROM-“, “MARABU ROCK NIGHT -Sage Club-“, “FELLOW TUBES -Big Eden-“, “WHITE TRASH”, “SQUEEZE BOX -Big Eden-“, “Club RIO”, “etc…” ELECTRONIC-GLAM-ROCK|is the sound…The obssesives Luis´guitars becomes machines with soul of letal´rythm|and Antonio with his horns sharper than a “MIURA” spanish-bull singing like the “Primadonna”. Anxious sounds and exciting music for RATS who dress like FOXES, speak like PARROTS and yell like BITCHES. |