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Hangar 18
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Hangar 18 biography
Hangar 18 songs
Hangar 18 albums
There are 2 artists with this name
1. American hip-hop band|2. Indie-rock band from Central Jersey
1. Hangar 18 was an American hip hop group signed to Definitive Jux. Consisting of rappers Alaska, Windnbreeze, and produced by DJ paWL, Hangar 18 created a more lighthearted approach to rap than some of their Def Jux label mates. In February of 2009 the group disbanded. Alaska went on to form a new group with producer Kojo title ‘Alaska and Kojo are The Crack Epidemic’ but are currently unsigned.
2. Based in Central Jersey but with a sound reminiscent of the shores of Liverpool, Hangar 18 is an aggressive pop quintet whose sound is a cross between classic British pop and today’s alternative rock. Their soulful harmonies and addictive melodies made Hangar 18 one of Central Jersey’s most talked about bands.|Their songs are filled with heartfelt lyrics about love, loss, and anal probes. These skillful songsmiths, with their kitchen-sink school of song writing, engulf you in the mystique that surrounds them.|The truth is out there… see for yourself.
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