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Happy Rhodes
Happy Rhodes pictures
Happy Rhodes biography
Happy Rhodes songs
Happy Rhodes albums
Happy Rhodes is an American singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, and electronic musician. Her vocal range reaches highs in which she sounds very much like Kate Bush did in many of her early works, and lows in which she has been mistaken for Annie Lennox. Her songs “When the Rain Came Down” on the album “Ecto”, as well as “Tragic” and “Winter” on “Many Worlds Are Born Tonight” exhibit this range.
Born Kimberley Tyler Rhodes but called “Happy” since infancy, she legally changed her name to Happy Tyler Rhodes at the age of 16. The title of her 1987 album has provided a name to what some have begun to call “Ecto” music.
There are several You Tube vids of Happy and, if you want to sample the ‘two-voices-in-one’ phenomenon, then her stunning version of Peter Gabriel’s ‘Here Comes the Flood’ should be a pleasing introduction.
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