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Kiro biography
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I owe a lot of people thanks for their support: Aaron Simpson, Audio Angel, Axiom, Ben Sage, Ben XO, Brian Frost [F Sound], Camo, D-Code, Doja, Dok, Dylan, Ed Rush, Elhornet, Eric [59 Crime], Evolve, Gamet, Genome, Gridlok, Hadji, InsideInfo, Jeryl, Krooked, Kryptic Minds, L Plus, Mackie, Mampi Swift, Mayhem, MC Duh, Mel @ S2K, Metrik, MissRepresent, Mindscape, Mumblz, Nightbreed, Phetsta, Ray Rampage, Reid Speed, Saejma, Shortee, Slim, Skitty, Sweet Tooth Promotions, Timid, Tri-Atom, Undecided, Vegas, Wezzler, all the old Hardcore crews lost in the fog of time, my impossibly understanding wife and anyone not listed that should be, thank you.
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